Frequently Asked Questions
Only accepted with prior approval of DMF in writing.
Delivery Inspection
All orders received must be checked upon delivery for damage and/or shortage according to the packing slip. All claims of damaged product and/or shortage must be reported to our customer service department immediately. Also, all damaged product claims must be filed by the consignee with the common carrier. Retain all containers and packing materials for inspection. Claims must be made within 5 working days.
Invoice Terms
Net 30 days. Past due accounts are subject to late fee charges. Special orders may require an initial non-refundable payment at the time of the order.
Method of Payment
Mastercard, Visa, Money Order, Checks. Sorry NO C.O.D. orders.
Open Account
Credit terms are available to Municipalities, Government agencies and School Systems. All other orders require payment in full to process. Prepayment may be required for any order at Diversified Metal Fabricator’s sole discretion.
We have successfully maintained low pricing and quality products: however, due to the increase in raw material throughout the year our published prices are subject to change without notice.
No product may be returned without written authorization from DMF, and the assignment of a return authorization number. This requires invoice number, invoice date and reason for return. Returned product must be properly packed in the original cartons in which it was received (or equal). A restocking fee of 20% will be applied on all returns other than damage claims and those shipped in error by DMF.
Sales Tax
Applicable sales tax will be added to the invoice unless a tax exempt certificate is furnished.
Shipping and Handling
Charges will be calculated form DMF’s standard rate chart, prepaid and added to the invoice unless other shipping arrangements are specified. Our Customer Service or Sales Department may be contacted for freight quotes before placing orders. Weights shown are approximate and include shipping materials. Customer is responsible for unloading the freight truck, assembly and installation of the product.
Specifications / Warranty
Copies are available by request from our sales department. In a continuous effort to maintain unequaled quality DMF reserves the right to alter specifications without notice. Customer’s failure to comply with the above terms, conditions, maintenance and assembly instructions may void warranty.